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Wild Edible BC Mushrooms you’ve never tasted…

Buying “Money’s Mushrooms” at Costco is akin to putting margarine on toast. It’s not going to kill you, but it is so boring. Head out into BC’s backyard to find the real treasures. A handful of them you may know and see on occation in the high end grocery stores in Fall; yellow chanterelle, matsutake (pine), lobster, king bolete (porcini) or oyster mushrooms. These will run you about $27/lb for chanterelle or pine. Ouch! It’s far more fun to find them on your own, plus to gain access to hundreds of other edible and delicious mushooms at the same time (here’s my shameless plug for Mushroom Hunting Trips in Vancouver).

Above is a shot of seaweed risotto with wild califlower and porcini mushrooms by Chef Ted of Refuel at our last supper club.

This is a puffball – edible and gorgeous…

Oyster Mushrooms – Angel Wings to be exact, there are several varieties of oyster type mushrooms that are edible. (don’t eat Angel Wings if you have kidney disease, they are toxic you!)
You have never eaten these before I would wager – honey mushrooms…

A gorgeous chanterelle… one of the more than a dozen varieties that grow in BC (blue chanterelles, yellow foot, white chanterelles… the list goes on)